Who fell off of their own roof?
In Chapter 13, what were the 2 reasons why Kimberly was bad at filming?
1. She left the lens cap on.
2. She zoomed in on the mouths of the people she interviewed.
What was the reason for calling an assemble in chapter 19?
To award Chase and Shoshanna on their documentary, the Warrior.
In chapter 24 why did Kimberly go to Brendan's house?
She thought Chase was going to be there.
In Chases memory what was the girl wearing?
A blue dress with white lace.
Who does Chase recommend for Shoshanna's interview for the video competition?
Mr. Solway
Why did Chase follow through on the fake story of what happened in the music room?
Because it was an easy way out of trouble.
Does Chase make a return to football?
What school did Joel move to?
Why doesn't Shoshanna tell shoe she working with Chase?
Chase had just replaced Joel's spot in the video club and Shoshanna didn't want Jeol to feel worse at Melton.
Why did Aaron and Bear go talk to Chase during football practice.
To get square on the portion of the medal Chase had promised them.
What did Chase find under his roof?
Mr. Solway's Medal of Honor
True or false, Brendan's first YouTube Video with Chase was Leaf Man
Who did Chase's dad want Chase to see and why?
Dr. Ngyuen for a second opinion on his condition and to see if CHase could play football.
What did Joel think that having Shoshanna be a bodyguard on the first day back would do?
It would add to a list of humiliations.
When Chase arrived at Portland to give Mr. Solway's medal back, why were Aaron and Bear trying to stop him?
Aaron and Bear wanted to sell it and get their fair share of money.
Who says this quote "I'm sure you're not feeling very lucky, but there are millions of people who'd give anything to stand where you stand right now in front of a completely blank canvas."
Dr. Fitzwallace (principal)
What did Aaron and Bear do at the snack cart in the elevator at the nursing home?
They were eating the food and leaving wrappers everywhere.
Why did the framing of Chase go better than planned?
When Chase and his old friend were fighting for the extinguisher it fell out of his hand and hit Joel.
How did Chase feel after everyone stood up for him in the courtroom?