Do Suspensions Benefit The Student More than it Hurts them?
What is one benefit of Restorative Justice?
Do Responsibility Circles lead to higher accountability among offenders?
What is an addition to the program I mentioned?
Tracking Recidivism/ Tracking long term success
What perspective focuses on all of something, rather than just an individual part?
Holistic Perspective
Triad Restorative Justice works with children
Name one of the programs TRIAD uses
PB&J, RESTART, Impact circles for youth
What is an obstacle that an addition might cause?
How much more likely are preschoolers to be suspended after experiencing trauma of any sorts. (Hint: it’s a %)
80% more likely
Whats one theory Triad should add to their programs?
How does anger management therapy help young individuals in the juvenile justice system?
Free answer
allows us to compare our statistics to other more traditional program’s statistics
How many kids are suspended each year K-12
3 million
Many answers.
Name Two of the Restorative Justice Initiative's values
Equity, Radical Inclusion, Interdependence, Compassion, Racial Equity & Justice
If we were to track long term success, what would the time frame be?
One, three, or five years.
Name one person I cited in my part of the presentation
- Alysee Loomis
- Brenda Alvarez
- Larry Ferlazzo
Why might victims oppose Restorative Justice?
They may believe apologies are not genuine.
Name the Restorative Justice Organization located in DC
DC Peace Team
How much would it cost to monitor a singular individual per day? (NIJ)
36 dollars