Cover Letter
Resume Questions
Before & After Interview

List 2 important things to put on a resume 

First and last name, previous jobs, address and a line of communication, skills, awards and certs, education.


True or False.

Should you double check your resume for spelling/grammar errors?



Why are you interested in this job?

“I’ve done research on this position and it fits my skills and interests”,”I wanted to get more experience and move up in the company,” etc.


What are 2 things you should know before a job interview?

The employer's name, how to pronounce and spell it, bring your own questions, don't put yourself down or sell yourself short.


What are 2 ways you can practice proper hygiene or dress code before an interview?

Make sure to shower, brush your teeth, clean your fingernails, wear deodorant and cologne/perfume. Generally wear decent attire(depends on the job). 


True or false?

Should you list only what being hired at the company can do for you.     

No, you should also write about what you can do for the job and the team.


What are some examples of a bad resume? (list at least 2). 

No capitalization, improper grammar, irrelevant job experience and skills, etc.  


How do you handle stressful environments?

“I stay calm and think about my next steps carefully but efficiently”


Should you make a job portfolio along with a resume? 

It is not necessary but a portfolio can help your employer see the accomplishments you have achieved throughout your career. 

True or False 

You should review how well you answered the interview questions. 

True, if you need to do another interview, it may be likely that they'll ask a similar question. This will leave you better prepared for the interview


How personal should you be in a cover letter. 

You can be personal, but not too personal, don't write about your life. 


Who should you not list as references?

Family members, friends, people who you don't know well, if you haven't seen the person in years, etc.


What is an example of you working well with other people?

“I had a coworker who needed help with a project and we figured it out quickly when we worked together.”

What can you expect from a job interview?
To be asked questions on your experience and skills pertaining to the job, employment gaps, your preferred salary, etc.

Should you keep searching for a job after you've finished a job interview?

Yes, even if you thought you did amazing, it is better to not assume that you have secured that position. 


How do you grab attention on a cover letter?

Explain why you're the best candidate, tailor the wording to that specific job, try to find the name of who will be reading your resume and address them.


How many fonts should you use for a resume?

1-2, generally no more than 2 different fonts. 


What is a thing you did that you are most proud of?

“My mom needed a chair since one of hers broke, so I crafted a new one for her using my woodworking tools and skills and she loved it.”


Should you expect to get hired based off one interview?

Generally no, if it is an entry level job then possibly. Higher level jobs may require 4 or more interviews.


How should you manage social media accounts before your interview?

Make sure to not post anything inappropriate, otherwise this can impact the job interview.  


4 things that you should not do/write on your cover letter?

Undersell yourself, spelling errors, use the same cover letter for all your applications (maybe for similar jobs), etc. 


What is an example resumes layout? 

Most resumes are laid out like in chronological order: Contact info, objective summary statement, professional experience, education, and other information. 


How quickly do you adapt to new technologies?

“I am very tech savvy, I work with a lot of different technologies and have been using computers since I was young.”

Can an interviewer hire someone based off what country they are from?

No, that would be discrimination of national origin. 


When should you schedule a job interview?

Avoid early or late interviews, whether during the day or the week, such as Monday or Friday
