True or False: Your resume must be PERFECT
Is it important to have a start date and end date for everything you list under work experience and education? Why?
Yes - so employers can see if you are reliable (how long you stay at a job) and to see if there is a gap in your work experience
You should always tell the _____ when writing your resume because_____.
Truth; when you get caught you will be fired
How many fonts should you use on a resume?
This will not always catch errors on a resume
Spell check
True or False: You should customize your resume each time you are applying for a new job?
True, they should be customized and personalized to fit the company
Should you list your current/most relevant work experience first or last?
This should be done to your resume for every job you apply to
Update/customize it
What is the color ink that should be used on your resume?
How many times should you proofread your resume (at least)?
True or False: It is okay to lie on your resume to make yourself look better
Is volunteer experience important to list on your resume?
Hand-written or typed? Why
Typed; it is more professional looking/cleaner
What should be used instead of full-length sentences
Bullet points
How long do potential employers generally spend looking at a resume?
6 seconds
True or False: Make sure your resume is attractive and professional
When you list your work experience, in addition to the city, state and dates of employment, what else should you list?
Should you quickly write your resume right before you apply for a job? Why or why not?
NO! To ensure you do not have any mistakes and you have included everything
How long should a resume be?
1-2 pages
What is the purpose of a resume?
To market yourself and get an interview
True or False: is an appropriate e-mail address
What would you write under the OBJECTIVE header of your resume?
Briefly describe your career goal or ideal job
Should you include your e-mail address on your resume
Always list your information in this order...
The most recent information first
What is a resume?
Summary of your skills and experience