Requirements to Barehand Contact RTE Food (excluding an HSP)
SOP, Regulatory Authority Approval & Employee Health Agreement (section 173)
Upon RA approval, this species may be allowed in outdoor patio areas.
Item requiring clear visibility at hand washing sinks.
Handwashing sign
A potential food employee to whom a job offer is made, conditional on responses to subsequent medical questions
Conditional employee
Previously refrigerated foods shall not exceed 70 degrees by this set timeframe utilizing time as a public health control.
6 hours
Juice packaged in a RFE shall bear a _________.
Warning Label Section 207 (Commercially processed section 170)
To operate outside of the current scope of the code, what document shall be obtained?
The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as ________ to keep them clean.
Category of alligator, frog, aquatic turtle, jellyfish, sea cucumber, and sea urchin if such animal life is intended for human consumption
This star-shaped character indicates an advisory or disclosure for a product that requires a consumer advisory.
Asterisk (*) - Section 223
Pasteurized egg products shall be substituted for raw eggs in the preparation of these foods (Name 4)
Mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce, ice cream, eggnog, meringue, Caesar salad, and egg fortified beverages (Section 177)
Required procedure/testing to determine if a product is shelf-stable.
Product assessment
Measurement of light intensity
A retail food establishment that is wheeled, on skids, mounted on a vehicle, a marine vessel, or otherwise readily movable
Mobile retail food establishment
Thunnus albacares and Thunnus obesus are the scientific names of this popular exempt species.
Undercooked meats can be offered on any menu with the exception of
Children’s menu (Section 198)
Intent of an Allergen Declaration
To name of the food source for each major food allergen contained in the food (section 221)
This method of production raises fish in open water, net pins or on land-based operations
Aquacultured or farm raised
This 5-Letter formal procedure was developed by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods
Mandatory action taken prior to thawing ROP’d fish
Removal from packaging
Food product can be non-continuously cooked for no longer than this time frame prior to cooling
60 minutes (section 201)
Violation Designation of items that contribute to enabling a risk factor
Priority Foundation
Poisonous rodent bait shall be contained in a covered _________
Tamper-resistant bait station
Critical limits for Aw and pH that render a product shelf stable
0.85 & 4.6
To control the growth and toxic formation of pathogens in ROP’d product, a shelf-life shall be provided
30 days