Apple Affordability
Affordability Barriers
Affordability in conversations

In what part of customer conversation you can offer leasing?

When discovering the needs, offering the solution and closing the deal.


Which Apple Services / Subscriptions you can try out for free when purchasing new devices?

5GB of iCloud are always for free, Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade


Why should you still offer leasing as an option, even though customer wants to pay with cash?

With leasing customer can purchase a full solution with accessories and services, not just only the hero device.


When and how you should mention buying options in a conversation with a customer? 

When getting to know their needs and telling that based on the needs you have great options and also ways to afford them.


What are the main terms and conditions of getting a leasing?

Customer needs a permanent job, work for at least 3 months and have big enough salary to cover monthly payments.


How Apple software makes devices more affordable?

Don't have to purchase additional software. There are built-in apps such as iWork, iMovie, PDF reader and the fact you don't have to buy antivirus software.


For how long the customer should work to be able to purchase with leasing?

He should be working in the same place for more than 3 months.


Based on which clues from the sales conversations should you initiate a conversation about affordability?

When customer hesitates about price, asks for cheaper options, says that its not in their budget, asks for a discount, etc.


Name at least 3 benefits of leasing?

Customers can split the payments, can buy the product they need and not the one they can afford with cash, add other products and accessories to the same contract, etc.


List at least 3 Apple affordability points.

Made of premium materials which last long, you get OS support for many years, free software, can try out services, cross-generation accessory support, etc.


Customer doesn't like taking loans overall. With which facts can you overcome this barrier?

With leasing you can purchase today, you can split the payments for a longer time period and you can purchase a full solution with all needed accessories in one contract.


What are the drawbacks of saving money to purchase something?

Takes time, money depreciates due to inflation, you don't have a new device for a longer period that you could use already if affordability tools were used.


Why it is worth to tell about Apple device residual value even if the customer purchases with leasing?

Customer will be able to sell the device afterwards for a higher price and use the money to purchase the next device or use it as a first leasing payment.


Name 3 reasons why Apple devices hold their value longer than other devices.

Built to last, free software updates, ecosystem features, longterm support, etc.


Why is it smarter to purchase an Apple device instead of other brand devices, if the customer always sells their devices after purchasing a new one?

Because Apple devices retain higher residual value and you can sell them at a higher price.


Customer doesn't understand, what is residual value, how can you explain it?

It's the value of a product after a certain period of time. Apple products retain their value longer due to multiple factors compared to other brands.


Customer is concerned about overpaying with leasing. What can you do to overcome this concern?

Showcase calculations on the website, offer a shorter leasing period, offer 0% credit if it is available.


Customer says Apple products are more expensive. How will you convince the customer that it's the opposite?

Bring out that actually with comparable devices there is a small difference, compare similar priced devices, tell about Apple affordability facts.


"I'm not sure if Apple is worth the price". How would you tackle this objection?

Bring up Apple affordability facts and what customer gains by purchasing Apple products.


Customer is purchasing a device as a gift. Why should you still mention affordability tools? 

Because customer can purchase a better gift, might come back to make a purchase for him/herself and use affordability tools, or tell friends and family about them.
