The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, the original one, debuted one month after the end of this season of spongebob
What is season 3
Kurt! These are ready.
What are chicken burgers.
This green humanoid guardian came out directly after the yellow insectoid guardian.
Who is Xing Tian
This fictitious superhero's name appears on some of Jeffy's shirts.
When asked "what do you do to take care of Geordie?", Colin responded this
What is "I pet him"
The Krusty Krab's architecture exposes that it is actually one of these... Perhaps this tells us what the secret formula is!
What is a lobster trap
High in vitamin A, Mr. Stiegel would eat this citrus everyday at noon.
What is a grapefruit
The name of Cthulhu's pantheon is this.
What are The Great Old Ones
SuperMarioLogan, SuperLuigiLogan, and this third channel are used to upload SML Movies
What is SuperBowserLogan
Colin's infamous nickname for Pac-Man in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is this
What is Cheeseball
Patrick calls Ms. Puff one of these. SpongeBob then gets in trouble for the drawing.
What is a big fat meanie
"He doesn't have a neck, but he's got your back" was Tom Hussey's slogan for this political position.
What is Head of Fidget Operations
Heart of Cold and Vicious Barrage are abilities of this god.
Who is Chernobog
What are carrots
The infamous colin rage of 2019, in which he lost to a quick-play this, caused him to lift a chair and break a window
Who is Ike
February 15th is this local Bikini Bottom holiday
What is Annoy Squidward Day
Joe Alpheo is best associated with this instrument.
What is a kazoo
It's the name of Awilix's passive
What is initiative
Jeffy's sister's name is this
Who is Feebee
This SpongeBob SquarePants character is Colin's favorite, because he's fat and obnoxious (like Anthony)
Who is Bubble Bass
In "Krusty Krab Training Video", it is revealed that the Krusty Krab was originally this, way before Eugene bought it.
What is a retirement home
Hubie's last name in Hubie Halloween is this.
What is DuBois
I have this many physical protections if I have a silver breastplate and a mystical mail
These are the names of Jeffy The Rapper's two hit singles
What are "Why?" and "Wanna See My Pencil"
In early 2020, Colin would often send this Tik Tok star who specializes in singing catchy jingles, facial expressions, and zoom-ins
Who is Alto Key