What does Ahimsa mean?
Ahimsa means non-violence. Not just non-violence, but the principle of ahimsa also symbolizes love, genuine care, and compassion towards all living things.
What is satsang Reading?
Satsang Reading is when you read satsang related books
Who started bal sabha?
Yogiji Maharaj
What can we do instead of watching T.V?
Instead of watching television, we can do our ahnik and follow other niyams that Swamishri has provided us with. This ahnik includes daily puja, arti, thaal, chesta, mansi, and more. In terms of niyams, we can do Satsang reading on the kids.baps.org website, listen to bhajans, and watch Guruhari Darshan videos instead.
Satsang Reading: Name a book that you can read that's NOT in your Puja.
Ex. Satsang Vihar 1
How can we as balaks and balikas practice Ahimsa?
We follow this in many ways: through seeing good qualities in others, helping others, and not harming others. Additionally, one of the most important ways we follow non-violence is through our diet: vegetarianism.
What are 2 examples of Satsang Reading
Possible Answer: Shikshapatri and Satsang Diksha
Why is weekly satsang sabha important?
Yogi Bapa says that regardless of the benefits that the money will give us, we will gain infinitely more benefits and happiness from attending our weekly Satsang sabha because that will make Shriji Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj very raaji on us.
How can we make watching TV from a bad thing to good?
Ex. By watching satsang videos, listening to kathas, watching live puja, etc.
What is Sthitpragnata?
DOUBLE POINTS: You are at your friend's party and its time to cut the cake. After cutting the cake your friend's mom asks if you want cake. What should you do?
1. Ask if the cake has eggs.
If it does, then explain/say you can't eat the cake
If it doesn't, then you can eat the cake.
What have our gurus Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj said about Satsang reading?
Our gurus have said that Satsang reading is important for the development of a healthy and strong mind. Both Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj have given us agna to read good books in the form of daily Satsang reading.
What amount of money did YOGIJI MAHARAJ say we should turn down to go to Sabha?
25,000 RUPEES (Not $)
Why did Pramukh Swami Maharaj tell the balaks to not watch T.V?
Pramukh Swami Maharaj has said to stop watching television because it distracts them from studying properly and many other things, such as helping their parents, doing Satsang, etc. He also mentioned that at this young age, we should all spend time developing and improving ourselves instead of wasting time watching television and harming our future.
DOUBLE POINTS: Who presented on Ahimsa?
Why is ahimsa important?
Possible Answer: Because our gurus have encouraged ahimsa and it helps us to become better people.
What are 2 benefits of satsang reading?
Possible Answer:
1. the greatest benefit of Satsang reading is that it helps us become great satsangis and makes Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj raaji on us.
2. the more Satsang reading we do, the more knowledge - gnan - we will gain about Satsang and the greater our attachment will be to Mahant Swami Maharaj
Possible Answer:
One of the first steps that we can take to advance in the moksha line is arriving one day a week to mandir for weekly ravi sabha.
What type of video games did Swamishri say we should avoid playing?
Violent and and non appropriate content
TV: Where is Mahant Swami Maharaj right now?
If wrong: -400
Dar es Salam, Tanzania
What did Pramukh Swami Maharaj say is the duty of a human being?
to be compassionate
What are the 6 niyams that Pramukh Swami Maharaj hand wrote in 1996 Catskills shibir?
a. Do puja daily
b. Attend sabha regularly
c. Respect parents
d. Avoid bad books, company, T.V
e. Study hard
f. Read Satsang books daily
List 2 benefits of attending weekly satsang sabhas
a. Makes Shriji Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj very raaji because we are fulfilling their agna.
b. Gets us closer to reaching Akshardham.
c. Allows us to gain more knowledge and love for Maharaj and Swami.
d. Allows us to make new friends and to meet our friends on a weekly basis.
e. Allows us to learn about our Satsang values and imbibe positive virtues and qualities in our lives.
f. Allows us to learn about our rich Hindu culture, history and traditions.
Give one example of how Ghanshyam Maharaj and our Gurus were always first in studies
a. Ghansyham Maharaj mastered all the scriptures by the very young age of 10!
b. Dungar Bhakta (Shastriji Maharajʼs childhood name) was intelligent in his studies. Dungar Bhakta
was the brightest in his class.
c. Jinabhai (Yogiji Maharajʼs childhood name) was very intelligent in his studies. Jinabhai, who
always stood first and won many prizes.
d. Shantilal (Pramukh Swami Maharajʼs childhood name) would always work hard and be first in his
how did pramukh swami maharaj show sthitpragnata to the angry man who yelled at him?
he made sure he got prasad and was taken care of.