Which university is Alpha Chapter
Bowling Green State University
This sister is a farm girl
These two sisters are from the same pledge class and hold the same exec position.
Amanda and Riley
This new member has an unnatural obsession with Gossip Girl
Cat V.
When 25 or more full-time students at a university demonstrate a commitment to forming a new chapter of the sorority, they can petition Omega Phi Alpha for affiliation as a...
This sister has a dog named Maggie
These two sisters were not only in the same hall freshman year when they pledged but *Gasp* and they were roommates...
Madison and Amanda
This exec member has been stung by a bee while on a rollercoaster.
"Spongebob?? I don't know her!"
Is what this new member would say because they have never seen it.
This National Chapter of ΩΦA presides in Ypsilanti, MI
Gamma, Eastern Michigan University
This sister used to work at Kings Dominion
These two sisters are both from the REAL SWVA, their high school teams even played against each other in athletics!
Casey and Brenna
This exec member used to ride horses in their free time and is from Tennessee
This new member was born in India
Presides at all national conventions, calls all special meetings, enforces observance of national convention, and appoints all committees not otherwise provided
National President
This sister used to eat tin foil
A sister who has had their toe sewn back on and another sister who had a tumble down the stairs that kept them from school for two days... Which two sisters have had some serious boo boos?
Kristen and Cassidy
This exec member loves her sleep
This new member is one of 5 siblings
Abby Stevens
Which university is Alpha Alpha Chapter
North Arizona University
This sister can lick her elbow
This sister is a twin
Ashley K
This exec member has a grandparent that writes childrens stories.
When does Theta class get to know who their bigs are?