This movie franchise features a character named Luke Skywalker
Star wars
This city is the capital of France
This author wrote "Pride and Prejudice"
Jane Austen
This is the chemical symbol for water
The largest active volcano on Earth
Moana Loa (Hawaii)
This streaming service is known for "Stranger Things" and "The Crown
This city is the capital of Japan
"To be or not to be" is a famous line from this Shakespeare play
Newton is famous for this law of motion
Law of Inertia
Which desert holds the record for the highest air temperature ever measured?
Death Valley
He is a famous spy known as 007
James Bond
Canberra is the capital of this country
This epic poem by Homer is about the fall of Troy
The Illiad
The study of life is known as this
The highest mountain in Africa
Mount Kilimanjaro
This superhero is known as the "Dark Knight"
Known as the "Eternal City," it's the capital of Italy
He is known for his horror novels, including "Carrie" and "The Shining."
Stephen King
This planet is known as the Red Planet
In which country would you find the Great Barrier Reef?
She sorts her songs based on the pens used to write them: fountain, quill, or glitter gel; You Need To Calm Down is glitter gel
Taylor Swift
The Canadian city is the country's capital
The "Harry Potter series was written by this author
J.K. Rowling
Einstein is renowned for this theory of relativity
Theory of Relativity
Chad to its east, Mali to its west