Define Genome
The DNA or RNA that encodes the genes of an organism or a virus
What is HIV?
HIV attacks the body’s immune system, specifically the CD4 cells (T cells), which help the immune system fight off infections. Untreated HIV will lead to less T cells which make a person more likely to get other infections or infection related cancers.
What is oncogensis?
The process through which healthy cells are transformed into cancer cells.
What is gene therapy?
Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease.
Evolutionary changes, horizontal gene transfer, and copackaging of genetic material lead to what phenomenon?
Define Recombination
A process of combining genetic sequences that results in the production of a new genome, derived from two parental genomes.
What is HFV?
HFV stands for human foamy virus and is a type of retrovirus.
How long does it take for Rous Sarcoma to induce malignancies in chickens?
It only takes a couple days
What is an advantage of viral vector gene therapy?
Retroviruses can effectively transfer cloned genes to other cells through infection.
What is the process of converting a DNA strand using an RNA template called?
Reverse Transcription
Define Retrovirus
RNA viruses that copy their genomes into DNA during replication transcription through the enzyme reverse transcriptase
What is the source of HIV infection in humans?
Scientists have determined that a specific type of chimpanzee is the source of HIV infection in humans.
Does the Rous Sarcoma virus require the SRC oncogene to reproduce?
No, this virus can reproduce without transforming cells.
What is a disadvantage of viral vector gene therapy?
It can provoke an immune response from the body that can be harmful.
Name three structures within a retrovirus
Reverse transcriptase
Viral RNA
Define Reverse Transcriptase
An enzyme that can synthesize DNA using an RNA template and a DNA template
How is HIV different than AIDS?
HIV is a retroviruses that causes infection and eventually leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS.
Do oncogenic retroviruses always induce tumors?
No, oncogene-deficient oncogenic retroviruses, rarely induce tumors and only do so after an incubation period.
What is Epidermolysis Bullosa and how can it be treated?
A genetic disease resulting in weak and blistering skin caused by the lack of the gene that codes for skin anchoring proteins. This disease is not caused by a retrovirus, but instead is looking to be treated through retrovirus gene therapy.
What percentage of the human genome comes from retroviruses (HERVs)?
Define Horizontal Gene Transfer
Transfer of genetic material laterally from one organism to another, mediated in bacteria by conjugation, transduction and transformation
What is human T-cell lymphotrophic virus I (HTLV-I)?
HTLV-I is a retroviral infection that affect the T cells (a type of white blood cell). Although this virus generally causes no signs or symptoms, some affected people may later develop adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), or HTLV-1 associated myelopathy
How were retorviral oncogenes derived?
They are almost certainly derived from cellular genes.
Why is it important to understand HERV?
The understanding of HERV can help scientists understand another form of cancer.
What makes HFV unique?
It buds off from the endoplasmic reticulum instead of the plasma membrane.