Nutritional assessment should include a ________, _____________, and a ______.
________ related to Rett Syndrome requiring mechanically altered diet as evidenced by food spillage and stated difficulty swallowing.
What is, swallowing difficulty
A comprehensive approach to the management of poor growth in Rett syndrome is recommended that takes into account factors such as ______ and ______.
What are, feeding difficulties and nutritional needs.
Rett syndrome is a neurological disorder caused by mutations in the _____ gene.
What is the MECP2
Functional capacities for self feeding, chewing and swallowing can be assessed by __________.
_______ related to difficulty swallowing as evidenced by poor acceptance of mechanically altered diet and weight loss of 5% in 1 month.
What is, unintended weight loss
Feeding can be made easier by.....
A BMI of approximately the ____ percentile can be considered as a reasonable target in clinical practice.
_________ can be used to aid diagnosis of aspiration or other respiratory concerns; can also inform of texture modification needs.
What is, video fluoroscopy.
________ related to Rett Syndrome requiring mechanically altered diet as evidenced by food spillage and stated difficulty swallowing.
Nutritional evaluation should be conducted every _______ in girls under the age of 12, and _____ for girls over 12 years of age.
________ related to Rett Syndrome requiring mechanically altered diet as evidenced by weight loss of 5% in 1 month.
What is, self-Feeding difficulty.
What is, apraxia, autonomic dysfunction, hyperventilation, and disrupted sleep patterns.
_________ related to patient refusal to eat meals when pressured by mother as evidenced by poor growth and suboptimal weight gain.
Inadequate energy intake