Did Harold and the gang Return to the Marriot or the Howliday Inn?
The Howliday Inn
What is the real name of the Howliday Inn?
Chateau Bow-Wow
Who was born at Chateau Bow-Wow?
What did the pets find buried in the ground?
Bones and a collar
Why was Hamlet at Chateau Bow-Wow?
Hs owner is a travelling actor
Chester is reading what type of book in his free time?
The paranormal
What did the pets call Daisy because she grabbed and squeezed them?
A "gusher".
What were Howie's parents' names?
Howard & Heather
What was the name on the collar?
What does Howie call a fancy dance for rabbits?
A hare ball.
Who is watching Bunnicula while they go on their trip?
Pete's Friend, Kyle
Who invited the pets to a barbecue?
Linda & Bob
Who did Howie say looked like a hot dog in a fur coat?
The Weasel
What kind of dog was Rosebud?
Yorkshire Terrier
What did Chester mean by "foul play"?
What is Chester's secret to staying calm when things go crazy?
The pets meet 2 cats at the hotel, name one.
Felony or Miss Demeanor
What kind of dog is Hamlet?
Great Dane
What does the voice tell the pets to do?
To Escape!
What does the word bungalow mean?
What was waiting at the front door?
Chester's cat carrier
What word did the cats use to describe the food at the hotel?
Who is Ditto?
A large bird that tells the pets "It's Dinnertime"!
What does Chester say about the pets safety?
No one is safe here.
What does the word spirit mean?
a friendly ghost