Who divided the sea when the Israelites were leaving Egypt?
Write today's date, American style.
April 8, 2022
What does the word "combine" mean?
put together, mix
a word with the long a sound
pail, cane, made,rain, etc
How do you make bus plural?
What was Jesus' job?
Teaching people about God, the Bible, and dying.
What do you call a group of fish?
Football is a popular game all over the world. What is football called in Japan and the US?
What is a word that rhymes with bunch?
crunch, punch, lunch
What is an opinion?
Something that a person thinks or believes. Cannot be true or false.
Who was the small guy who fought the giant and became king?
Give three examples of adjectives.
Good job!
to stop working
A word that has a silent letter
laugh, face, etc.
What is one of Rei's hobbies?
That's okay!
What was the first miracle that Jesus did?
Changing water into wine at a wedding.
What types of sentences end with a period?
Commands and statements.
What does "complete" mean?
to finish, to make whole
Name four types of writing.
Narrative story, argument, letter, informative report, newspaper article, instruction manual, advertisement
Why do we read the Bible?
To learn about God and how to live.
(other answers are possible)
Make a sentence that uses a proper noun and a pronoun.
Name a fruit and a place it is grown in America.
Apples in Northern California, oranges in Florida, pineapple in Hawai'i, peaches in Georgia, etc.
Spell a word that means to bend over.
Say the name and age of three people in the class.
Nice try!