what is beta ?
BETA uses regression analysis, which is a statistical technique for measuring the relationship between the security you are analyzing and a relative index (for example, an index or an economic indicator). For example, you can use regression analysis to determine how commodity prices or interest rates influence changes in the price of a security.
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Where can i see return for multiple securities?
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What is the difference between adj and raw beta
The adjusted beta is derived from historical data, but modified by the assumption that a security's beta moves toward the market average over time.
What is the function to graph rolling correlation between two securities over time
On HRH, what does it mean if the CL is less than the CL cutoff
the distribution is normal
How many securities can i have on COMP and what if the client wants more?
6 and GP
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What are the default overrides for beta?
2 year weekly
Where can I display the correlation between the loaded security and a set of securities
Does DPDF apply to TRA?
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What is alpha
y - intercept
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which field replicates the cumulative total return line on TRA
RT114 and RT115
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What does Winsorize mean?
A statistical method of eliminating outliers to change the factor values that fall outside the standard deviation range you specify in the Std Dev field. The new factor value is equal to the value at the boundary of the specified standard deviation. Winsorizing reduces the effect of outliers on the data.
What is the excel template for correlation
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