Beast of the sea & beast of the earth. Rev. 13
Who are the two beast that appear in Rev. 13?
With the sun, moon under feet & crown of 12 stars. Rev. 12
How was the woman clothed?
John saw this appear in heaven. Rev. 12
What is a great sign?
Stood on the shore by the sea Rev. 13
Who is the dragon?
The wilderness. Rev. 12
Where did the woman flee to?
It's tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky & flung them to the earth. Rev. 12
Who is the enormous red dragon?
Where was the mark placed?
Two horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon. Rev. 13
Who is the beast of the earth (2nd beast)?
War broke out in heaven between two groups. Rev. 12
Who were Michael and his angels and the dragon and his angels.
Slandered God's name, His dwelling place, and those who live in heaven. Rev. 13
Who is the beast of the sea (1st beast)
42 months Rev. 13
How long was the beast of the sea (1st beast) given to exercise authority?
God's people are called to this. Rev. 13
What is patient endurance and faithfulness?
1,260 days Rev. 12
How many days did God take care of the woman in the wilderness?
All inhabitants of the earth and all those whose names have not been written in the book of life. Rev. 13
Who will worship the beast?
The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan Rev. 12
Who leads the whole world astray?
Contains the names of all who trust in Jesus as their Savor. Ch. 13
What is the Lamb's book of life?
Performed great signs; caused fire to come down from heaven. Rev. 13
Who is the beast of the earth (2nd beast)?
Given power to wage war against God's holy people and conquer them. Rev. 13
Who is the beast of the sea (1st beast)?
The three significant symbolic characters in Rev. 12:1-6
Who are the woman, the child & the dragon?
The name of the beast or the number of its name. Rev. 13
What is the mark of the beast? or What is 666?
God is high and lifted up.
What is Holy?
God's decisions are always based on His righteous character.
What is just?
God has unlimited power, authority, and influence.
What is omnipotent?
People cannot fully understand God's thoughts or His wonderful plan.
Whit is incomprehensible?
God has no limits; no one can stop Him, not even Satan.
What is infinite?