The Seals
The Seals (cont)
Trumpets 1 - 4
Trumpets 5 - 6
The midpoint comes

The 1st Seal releases a rider on a white horse which means

What is false peace bow with no arrow/ has no power for real war 


What happens when the 6th Seal is opened?

What is catastrophic events - earthquake, blockage of sunlight, meteor shower


Which trumpet caused the following?

A third of the sun is darkened.

A third of the moon is darkened.

A third of the stars are darkened.

What is the 4th Trumpet


What Trumpet caused the following?

Four fallen angels lead a massive army to kill one-third of mankind

What is the 6th Trumpet


This heavenly figure, described in Revelation 10, has a face like the sun and legs like pillars of fire.

Who is the mighty angel?


The 2nd Seal releases a rider on a red horse which means

What is War – the red color speaking to the shedding of blood.


After the breaking of the sixth seal, God demonstrates His control over the events taking place by 

What is sending His angels to temporarily hold back further judgments


Which Trumpet caused the following?

Third of the waters became wormwood.

Many men died from the water

What is the 3rd Trumpet


The first “woe” comes to pass with

What is the sounding of the fifth trumpet


This small object, sweet in the mouth but bitter in the stomach, is given to John to eat.

What is the little scroll (or little book)?


The 3rd Seal releases a rider on a black horse which means

What is famine


After the 6th Seal, the Gospel persists and how many witnesses for Christ are “sealed.”

What is 144,000


Which Trumpet caused the following?

A third of the trees and all green grass were burned up.

What is the 1st Trumpet


What power is given to the locusts and for what amount of time?

What is the power to hurt men five months


John is told not to write down what he hears after these seven items sound in Revelation 10.

What are the seven thunders?


The 4th Seal releases a rider on a pale horse which means

What is Death


When the seventh seal is broken, there is a pause, a silence in heaven.  How long is this pause?

What is half an hour


Which Trumpet caused the following?

A third of the sea became blood.

A third of the living creatures in the sea died.

A third of the ships were destroyed.

What is the 2nd Trumpet


Which Trumpet caused the following?

Demonic creatures (locusts) that bring literal hell on earth

What is the 5th Trumpet


In Revelation 10, this action symbolizes John’s role in delivering God’s message, even though it comes with both joy and hardship.

What is eating the little scroll?


When the fifth seal is opened, John sees the ”souls of those who had been slain for the word of God” under the altar and hears their cries for justice.  Who does the souls represent?

those who come to faith during the Tribulation


When the seventh seal is broken, there is a pause, a silence in heaven.  This foreshadows....

What is the solemn revelation of the judgment and wrath that is about to occur on earth


What ominous warning does an angel announce after the 1st 4 trumpets?

What is woe to the inhabitants of the earth


Despite the judgment of the sixth trumpet, what is the attitude of the people who remain?

What is refusal to repent


The mighty angel in Revelation 10 raises his hand to heaven and swears an oath, mirroring a similar scene in this Old Testament chapter.

What is Daniel 12?
