After 3 and 1/2 days God breathed on them and they came back to life.
Who are the 2 witnesses (11:11)?
Church that was patiently enduring
What is Ephesus (2:3)?
What is one of the 7 churches (2:12)?
The 4 living creatures never ceased to say this.
What is "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty" (4:8)?
John was exiled to this island, where he wrote Revelation. (Rev 1:9)
What is Patmos?
She gave birth to a male child and God caught him up to his throne.
Who is the woman (12:5)?
Church that tolerated Jezebel.
What is Thyatira (2:20)?
What the island where John was exiled (1:9)?
The 24 elders fell before the throne and cast their crowns, and said this.
What is "Worthy are you, our Lord and God" (4:11)?
John wrote to this many churches in the book of Revelation.
What is 7 (1:4)?
They hand over their power and authority to the beast.
Who are the ten kings (17:12-13)?
Church that suffered from tribulation, poverty, and slander by a synagogue of Satan.
What is Smyrna (2:9)?
What is the place where the kings will assemble for the great battle (16:16)?
Part of the new song the 4 living creatures and the 24 elders sang, which is a phrase we read several times in Revelation.
What is "every tribe and language and people and nation" (5:9)?
They were singing a new song that only they could learn.
Who are the 144,000 (14:3)?
The one seated on many waters with whom the kings committed sexual immorality.
Who is the prostitute (17:1-2)?
Church that was lukewarm so Jesus will spit them out of His mouth.
What is Laodicea (3:16)?
Babylon the great
What is the place that is fallen (14:8)?
The myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands of angels who joined the living creatures and elders used these 7 words in a loud voice to describe what the Lamb who was slain was worthy to receive.
What are "power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing" (5:12)?
The 7 angels who stand before God were given these to help make their announcements.
What are 7 trumpets (8:2)?
They cried out in a loud voice and asked "how long?"
Who are the martyrs (5:9-10)?
Church that kept Jesus' word and didn't deny His name.
What is Philadelphia (3:8)?
Mount Zion.
Where is the place the Lamb stood (14:1)?
The response of the 4 living creatures and elders when they fell down and worshiped.
What is "Amen!" (5:14)?
When the Lamb opened the 7th seal, this is what happened.
What is "there was silence in heaven for about half an hour" (8:1?