Context Clues
Read and answer the question
Point of View
Read and answer the question
Testing Strategies
Fact and Opinion

My grandmother gave me my blepice when I was a baby. We hang each of our family blepices by the stairs at Christmas because we do not have a fireplace. My blepice is a long, red, skinny sock. My sisters is green and short. 

What do you think a blepice is?  

A Stocking


I like to spend my time in my tree house. It is in an oak tree in our backyard. My dad and I built it last summer. Sometimes I bring snacks and a book up there to hang out after school. 

From what point of view is the story told?

First person 


What do I do when I feel overwhelmed? 

Take a deep breath, count to 10 


Fact or Opinion?

The best thing to do on a sunny spring afternoon is to read outside. 



His smile is like a ray of sunshine!

Is this a simile or a metaphor? 



When you play in the snow you should wear gloves, a hat, and a margle. You need the margle to keep your neck warm. I am lucky because my grandmother knitted my margle for my birthday. 

What do you think a margle is? 

A Scarf 


"Jason can you tell us the answer to number 2?" Startled out of my daydream I looked down at the worksheet. I had not done number 2. "Umm, 24?" I guessed. The kids around me giggled. 

From what point of view is the story told?

First person


How do you start a multi paragraph response? 

You start a multi paragraph response by restating the question. 


Fact or Opinion?

In order to run for president you have to be 35 years old. 



What does genre mean? Give an example

The type of story


On Valentines Day I made my mom a card with a bloggle in it. I cut the bloggle out of paper and decorated it with red glitter. My sister showed me how to make a bloggle by drawing it on side of a folded paper, cut the bloggle out then open it up! Then the bloggle will have symmetry on both sides! 

What do you think a bloggle is? 

A Heart 


Spring had come at last. Mama bear lumbered out of her den for the first time since autumn. Behind her, two playful cubs scampered into the bright sunlight. 

From what point of view is the story told? 

Third person


When answering a multiple choice question, if I am not sure which options to pick what should I do?

Eliminate answers I know are not correct.


Fact or Opinion?

I think that penguins are the most popular animal in the world. 



What kind of figurative language is this? 

I’m so tired I could sleep for a million years.



Today is the perfect day for the beach. "Don't forget the qualiwag" said mom. "Ugg" I grumbled, I can't stand putting qualiwag on because it always gets in my eyes and stings. 

What do you think qualiwag is? 



On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. Three astronauts had traveled to the moon in the Apollo 11 space craft. A camera on the space ship recorded the first walk on the moon. Today it can be seen on the internet. 

From what point of view is the story told?

Third person


What do you do if you get stuck on a question during a test. 

Skip it and come back to it, read the question again, look for key words, examine the options. 


Fact or Opinion?

Bees are found everywhere in the world except Antartica. 



What is the difference between a synonym and an antonym. 

Synonyms are two words that have similar or the same meaning. 

Antonyms are two words that have opposite meanings. 


Every summer my sister and I make a forame stand. We sell our ice cold forame to the people in our neighborhood for 25 cents per cup. My mom helps us mix and make the forame to sell. 

What do you think forame is? 



"I want chocolate and strawberry please." Lily leaned over the counter to watch the girl scoop her ice cream into the cone. She was so excited she finally earned 3 scoops of ice cream. 

From what point of view is the story told? 

Third person


What can I use to help me with test questions? 

The text

Fact or Opinion?

Tug of war was once an olympic sport. 



Give an example of an onomatopoeia

Boom! Fizz! Pop! 
