How many systems are there in the body?
What is the foundation of a house and walls of the house when speaking about the human body?
Skeleton - bones and joints
How many bones are in the body?
How many muscles are in the body?
About 700
What does the nervous system consist of in the body?
Brain, spinal cord, and nerves
The ______ system consists of all of the bones of the body.
What is the light in our stick-built homes representing?
Nervous system
What is a joint in the body?
A place where two bones meet.
What is the purpose of our muscles in the body?
Allows us to move
Is the brain and spinal cord separate or attached to one another?
The _____ system is responsible for the movement of the human body.
What is the roof representing in our homes?
Muscular system
Can all bones in the body be adjusted?
No, they must be connected to a joint. All joints can be adjusted.
What holds muscles and bones together?
Fascia-it weaves and wraps around the entire body
Can the skull bones around the brain be manipulated or moved?
Lights are on and hopefully, someone is home in the ______ system.
When we go to paint our homes, what system would the paint represent?
Integumentary system
What joint is the vertebrae called?
Every muscle has muscle ____. These are different for each muscle grouping and type.
How does chiropractic adjustments help with the function of the nervous system?
Removing nerve interferences called subluxations
This system covers the entire body as a protective layer for the human body as a whole.
Why did we put a stick with our address on the outside of our homes?
We have purpose and a place on this Earth!
How many vertebrae are in the spine?
What are the three muscle types in the body?
Visceral, cardiac, and skeletal
What is the fluid called that surrounds the spinal cord and lubricates the spinal column?
Cerebral spinal fluid