Number of possible causes writer got from google search on quick heart rate.
What modern life makes it difficult for?
Old and young to meet together
Who borrows clothes from their mothers?
Slightly over half ( 54%) of women taken from a survey
What is the best seat to have on an airplane if you are in a hurry to exit?
What verb tenses in the narrative are likely the most difficult to know and use
Present perfect continuous and present continuous,
What did the writer find extremely tiring? ( paragraph 3)
To convince yourself that you may have a fatal or near fatal disease.
What Dilys was on Christmas?
Do some women share their clothes and shoes with each other in the same household?
Where best to sleep and why on an airplane?
By the window and so you can pull the blind down to keep the sun out
How much is the vocabulary exam worth and when is it.
March 17 and worth 10 percent?
Definition of cyberchondriac?
Always worried about their health condition and through using google, for instance very often . That is in getting more information to make them worry unnecessarily or more than needed.
What Sian represents in character to Dilys. Name three adjectives Dilys described Sian as being?
Energy, warmth, great person, glamourous, brought fun, for example
Name the members of the family written about in the story?
Plum, Jenny and Daisy Hoppen
Who choses the seat where you will sit in on the airplane? A) Random AI based on your preferences B) Only the airline tells you where you will sit, no advice from passenger C) done on the basis of age D) you can first ask for your preference.
Why is the end of the week special?
Chocolates and other candies. Yum, yum after all that homework
What three quarters of people do not do who use the internet to learn about health?
Do not check the source quality or when.
Races refers to ...
Glossary - the horse races on special day and place
What is the mother wearing?
white top, blue jeans and sandals.
What is turbulence?
Wind that shakes the plane.
What do students have the least interest in doing?
What the internet does not discriminate between on health
Low probabilities (chances) that that many symptoms do not likely indicate the worst possible conditions or diseases. Headache can just mean not eating or sleeping well as more probable, not likely a brain tumour that is rare.
What extreme sport did Dilys do?
solo skydiving
What is the word for the collection of clothes one has?
Which seats are safest to sit in generally according to the airlines?
All are equal
Where is the pronunciation chart located in the book and why might it be important ?
p.166 to page 167. Can help you better understand and feel the vowel and consonant sound of words. (And read the phonetic alphabet as in the dictioary)