Roaring 20s
20s & 30s
Great Depression
The New Deal
The 1930s
Anne Dallas Dudley and other Suffragists worked to get this added to the U.S. Constitution in 1920.
What is The 19th Amendment?
This President that served from 1923-1928 was famous for saying, "The business of American is business."
What is Calvin Coolidge
This patriotic group of Americans protested by camping in Washington D.C. with their families until their demands were met by Congress and President Hoover.
What is Bonus Army?
The "Bank Holiday" was designed to restore confidence in the banks by creating this New Deal policy.
What is F.D.I.C.
The Great Depression did not end in America until the beginning of this tragic event.
What is World War II?
This group increased its power and wealth dramatically during the Prohibition Era.
What is Organized Crime?
This event took place in Tennessee over several weeks. It displayed the social clash that was taking place in America during the 1920s between Religion and Science.
What is the Scopes Trial
In his 1932 presidential campaign, he promised the American people a New Deal.
What is FDR
This New Deal Agency met regional needs in Tennessee by creating jobs, providing flood control and providing cheap electricity.
What is TVA?
This important New Deal agency was created during the second New Deal. It provided pensions for the elderly, unemployment insurance and disability payments.
What is the Social Security Act
Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Roses, 19th Amendment, Tennessee, 1920 (Nick-Name)
What is "The Perfect 36"
He was President in 1928. After the stock market crash in 1929 many Americans blamed him for not doing enough to help the American people during the Great Depression.
What is Herbert Hoover
FDR used the Bank Holiday to enact the Glass-Steagall Act, which provided insurance for savings accounts by establishing the _______________________.
What is FDIC?
The most important goal of the New Deal was to provide ______ for Americans that needed them.
What is jobs?
FDR's attempt to change this government body was rejected by Congress. Even the American people thought that FDR was trying to gain to much power with this attempted increase in executive power.
What is the Supreme Court?
This name was give to an African American section of New York City that witnessed a rebirth of art, music and literature during the 1920s.
What is Harlem Renaissance?
Congress passed this in 1930 in an attempt to help American businesses early in the Great Depression. It back fired as European countries protested this act by refusing to buy American made products.
What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Because of the fact that many economies around the world depend on each other to be successful, the Great Depression of the 1930s turned into a _______________.
What is a world wide depression.
This New Deal agency actually paid farmers to destroy their crops during the Great Depression in an attempt to raise the prices of farm goods.
What is A.A.A.
These became very popular during the Great Depression because they allowed the American people to escape the hardships of the Great Depression.
What is the movies?
Technological advances in equipment, the end of W.W. I and overproduction caused an economic decline in this industry during the decade of the 1920s.
What is Farming?
This group of famous American writers became feed up with greed and social values during the 1920s. Many of them decided to leave America for good and fled to Europe and South America.
What is Lost Generation
During the Great Depression, the U.S. saw this organization grow in size and power. It would play a much larger role in the direction of the U.S. economy and it would supply direct relief in mass to the less fortunate.
What is the Federal Government?
The New Deal was the first attempt by the federal government to create "safety net" for needy Americans. This safety net is called the ___________ today.
What is welfare system?
During the Great Depression, many Americans began to question the economic stability of a democracy. Many Americans insisted that this form of government may be the best answer for economic uncertainty.
What is Communism?