Summary Writing
Summary Writing 2
Tone and Imagery
Tone and Imagery 2

Definition of a summary paragraph

What is a paragraph that explain the main idea and supporting details in an article, chapter, book, etc.


Definition of supporting details

What is the most important details the author includes that helps you understand what their main idea is. 


Definition of Tone

What is the author's attitude/emotions on the subject matter, conveyed through the words and phrases that they use.


Definition of Onomatopoeia 

What is  the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named.


The author of Night

Who is Elie Wiesel.


Definition of a topic

What is 1-2 words stating what something is literally about


Definition of a main idea

What is what the author is arguing/saying about the topic


Definition of Imagery

What is when an author uses descriptive words and language to paint a specific image in the reader's mind.


Definition of alliteration

What is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.


Name of the camp that Elie is first put in

What is Auschwitz or Buna.


Terms of the Author

What is when you state things by saying "the author says" or something similar.


What is needed to write a mastery topic sentence?

It needs to be specific and address the main idea NOT the topic.


The difference between a simile and a metaphor

Both make comparisons but a simile uses "like" or "as" and a metaphor does not.

Stammering a reply and stomping out the door, the young scholar stopped and displayed his middle finger.

What is Alliteration


Who played the violin in Chapter 6? 

Who is Juliek.

Which of the follow is the better topic sentence. WHY?

In this article, the author talks about how the bombing of Auschwitz was controversial.

In this article, the author talks about how the bombing of Auschwitz was controversial because it could potentially have killed more people than it would have saved.

The second one because is more specific and address the full main idea.

What is the topic and main idea of the following paragraph:

Children dream of the day when they will be grown up. They will no longer have bedtimes, bathtimes, curfews, or any other restrictions. They believe that being an experienced adult will truly give them freedom. Then they grow up. They are saddled by bills, responsibilities, sleepiness, and an overwhelming urge for more vacations. Now they long for the days they could roam free all summer without a care in the world. Innocence has always battled with experience. Taking one view, author William Wordsworth believed that innocence was the highest state and could not see past the golden curls of youth, whereas author Charlotte Smith believed that maturity offered the most to humanity through wisdom.

 Topic: Children/Growing up/Adulthood

Main Idea: Children are constantly dreaming of when they will group up and become adults, and adults are dreaming of when they were kids.


This cold, calm, coffee shop is an ice box!

What is Alliteration and Metaphor


She was happy as a clam until the door banged shut.

What is Simile and Onomatopoeia


What is a death march, and what were the conditions like/what kind of things happened?

When they sent the prisoners in Auschwitz on a very long walk to another camp in order to escape the Russian Army. It was very cold and snowy, and if they couldn't keep up or feel down, they were shot and left behind.


What is the topic, main idea, and 3 supporting details of Night chapter 6?

Answers may vary


What is the topic, main idea, and 3 supporting details of Night chapter 5?

Answers may vary


Write one sentence using a simile and one sentence using a metaphor

Answers may vary


Write one sentence using both onomatopoeia and alliteration.

Answers may vary


What does Elie do when his father is sent to the left during the selection at the end of Chapter 6?

He runs to his father and causes a commotion so that him and his father can slip to the right side, and not be killed.
