Verbal Tenses
Relative Clauses
Perfect Modal Verbs

Paul plans to visit Rome next weekend. He has already booked the hotel. (is)

Paul is visiting Rome next weekend.


They called a lawyer. The lawyer lived nearby.

They called a lawyer who/that lived nearby. (Defining)


It's possible that he committed a crime.


He might have committed a crime.

He may have committed a crime.


I can't write to her because I don't have her address.

If I had her address, I would write to her.


In the evenings, the person next to me...

watches TV / studies a lot / goes to the gym/ ...


They came to live in Salamanca in 2000. (since)

They have lived in Salamanca since 2000.

They have been living in Salamanca since 2000.


I took my friends to the city centre. There are a lot of bars there.

I took my friends to the city centre, where there are a lot of bars. (Non-defining)


I'm sure that he buried something in the garden.


He must have buried something in the garden.


I want to buy a new mobile phone and I think I'm getting an extra pay this month.

If I get an extra pay this month, I will buy a new mobile phone.


Complete the sentence in a logical way. Use a suitable verbal tense, modal, modal perfect or relative pronoun

School is finally over. This time next weeek, ...

...we will be enjoying our holidays.


The thief escaped and then, the police arrived. (already)

By the time/When the police arrived, the thief had already escaped.


Sarah will never forget the day. She finished her degree then.

Sarah will never forget the day (when) she finished her degree. (Defining)


Mark was able to enter Harvard, but he decided to enter Virgina University.


Mark could have entered Harvard, but he decided to enter Virginia University.


The bus didn't stop because you didn't put your hand up.

If you had put your hand up, the bus would have stopped.


Complete the sentence in a logical way. Use a suitable verbal tense, modal, modal perfect or relative pronoun

I dislike people...

who lie.


I'm going to visit my cousin in Poland on the 19th. I will be back on the 29th.

On the 22nd...

On the 22nd I will be visiting my cousin in Poland.


This is the book. My parents bought it for my birthday.

This is the book (which/that) my parents bought for my birthday. (Def)


It wasn't necessary for William to contact the agency. They had already sent him an email. William...

I was thinking about watching Avatar, but it was too long and I ended up watching a series. I...

William needn't have contacted the agency. They has already sent him an email.

I could have watched Avatar, but it was too long and I ended up watching a series.


We can't enter because we haven't got the keys.

We missed the train because we had a mistaken timetable.

If we had the keys, you could enter.

If we hadn't had a mistaken timetable, we wouldn't have missed the train.


Complete the sentence in a logical way. Use a suitable verbal tense, modal, modal perfect or relative pronoun

She had never heard of this actor until...

she saw his new film


The reparations of the cathedral will finish in 2022. (By 2023).

I last smoked a cigarette 8 years ago. (for)

By 2023, the reparations of the cathedral will have finished.

I haven't smoked a cigarette for 8 years.


World War II broke out in 1939. It lasted six years.

World Warr II, which lasted six years, broke out in 1939.
(Non def)


It was wrong of you to go to that family meeting. You...

I'm sure that Ridley Scott hasn't directed this film. Ridley Scott...

You shouldn't have gone to that family meeting.

Ridley Scott can't have directed this film.


People drive very fast and that is why there are so many accidents.

I didn't work hard at school, so I didn't get a good job when I left.

If people didn't drive so fast, there wouldn't be so many accidents.

If I had worked hard at school, I would have got a good job when I left.


Complete the sentence in a logical way. Use a suitable verbal tense, modal, modal perfect or relative pronoun

Everyone has been waiting for hours for you to arrive. You...

You should have left home earlier.
