The Self
Social Skills
Making Good Decisions
Good Attitude
Define coping.

Coping means calm down or handle feelings.

Example: take a deep breath.


Define self-esteem.

Loving yourself, being confident, understanding self-worth and self-importance.  Believing in yourself.  


Name a way to show someone you are listening to them.

Nod, repeat back what they said, look at them, face the person, ask questions, etc.


What is a good decision?

A safe, carefully thought out, and positive choice.  A decision that usually leads to good results.


Define a "good" attitude.

Being patient, being polite, being accepting, etc.


Name 3 feelings you might need to cope with.

Upset, furious, curious, mad, sad, bored, annoyed, etc.


Define self-control.

Being in-charge of your behavior (despite how you may feel).  Being able to be polite and considerate despite whatever is going on inside your brain.  Being the one driving the car and not letting the car drive you.  


Name something you can invite a friend to do with you.

Play a game, go to a park, visit, zoom, etc.


Name a good decision you made this week.



What helps you to have a good attitude? Name at least 2 things.

Managing time in good ways, thinking positively, being on-task, eating correctly (to avoid being hangry), sleeping well, having fun, accepting there are things you cannot change.


Identify at least 3 coping strategies.

Yoga, deep breathing, playing, humor, music, look at beautiful things, count to 10, positive talk, talk to others, relax, self-talk, think of happy thoughts, eat healthy snack, read a good book, pets, draw, color, etc.


Define self-awareness.

Knowing yourself and being aware of how you act/look to others/feel, etc.


Name 3 social skills to help you get along with everyone.

Be polite, listen, follow directions, etc.


What happens when people make good decisions?

They avoid trouble, achieve good things, and get further along the path of life.


What is feedback?  What is constructive criticism?

Both are people giving you input on how you are acting or what you are doing.  Listening to it can help you be a better person.  


Name a time this week you used a coping strategy.



Why is it important to have good self-control, self-awareness, and self-esteem?

If you are confident and in-control, you can achieve anything and avoid major problems!  You can stay out of trouble.  You can achieve your goals!!


Name 3 social skills that help you to get along with your family.

Helping, following directions, taking turns, sharing, etc.

What can you do to fix things if you make a bad decision?

Ask for help.  Apologize.  Fix whatever is broken.  Repair, repay, remorse.


Can having a good attitude help you in your life?  How?

Yes.  You can appreciate what you have instead of being angry and upset.  You appreciate the people around you more and it helps your relationships.  


Name at least 3 consequences for not coping well with our feelings.  Include one consequence that involves your relationships with other people.

No game, no fun, no outside, no phone, no electronics, grounded in your room, etc.  You may not have any friends.


What are the consequences of not having good self-esteem, self-control, and self-awareness?

You may be confused, sad, and in-trouble.  You may not achieve the life you want.


What are the consequences of having poor social skills?

You may lose friends, get in trouble, be grounded, etc.


What are the consequences of making bad decisions repeatedly?

You won't grow as a person, may get in trouble, may lose friends, may be sad, etc.


What are the consequences of having a bad attitude?

No good friends, you won't have good things, you won't appreciate what you have, etc.
