Cause and Effect
Main Idea
Author's purpose

What is effect?

What happened


What is topic?

One or two words that tell you who or what the story is about.


A boy is sitting down in front of a cake. There are candles and there's people singing to him. 

What is happening?

It is the boy's birthday.


What are the 3 author's purpose?

Persuade, inform, entertain


Give me an example of a fact.

Teacher decides.


The girl was scared, what could be a cause?

Her brother scared her, she was watching a scary movie, she saw a clown etc.

Teacher decides


What is main idea?

The most important thing in the text. What the text is mostly about.


Tristan thought “Oh no! My teacher is not going to be happy when she sees this. Maybe if I do it really quick she won’t notice that I didn’t get it done last night. I don’t want to get in trouble or get a bad grade.”

What did Tristan not do?

He didn't do his homework.


The rabbit challenged turtle to a race. There was no way the turtle could win, so the rabbit took a nap in the middle of the race. By the time he woke up, it was too late! The turtle had won the race.

What was the author's purpose?

To entertain


Margie looked in her cart. She had milk, eggs, bread and cereal. She headed to the frozen vegetable section. Finally, she decided to buy some apples and bananas in the fruit section. 

Where is Margie? Make an inference.

Margie is at the store. 


The students got extra time at recess because everyone did their homework.

What is the cause?

Everyone did their homework.


Dogs are good pets. Many dogs like to play with toys. Dogs can also do tricks. They like to go for walks. You can take a dog to the park. 

What is the TOPIC?



Clara was playing outside. She was muddy. Her mom made her come inside. When she came out she smelled good and was all clean. 

Can you infer what happened?

Clara showered.


Horses come in all kinds of colors. A dark brown horse with black legs is called a bay. A horse the color of a new penny is called a sorrel. If a horse has large black and white patches of color, it is called a paint.

What is the author's purpose?

To inform


I am very excited to go to my aunts house today.

Is that written in first person or third person?

First person


It was very quiet in the classroom when the fire alarm rang. The students lined up quickly at the door. They walked outside calmly and lined up in the field.

What was the effect?

The students lined up and walked calmly.


Exercise is important. It helps you get in shape and stay healthy. It also is important for your heart. Many people don't exercise, and they don't feel as good. 

What is the MAIN IDEA?

Exercise is very important for you.


Jackie is going on a trip! She packs mosquito spray, a tent, and marshmallows. She was hoping it wont rain.

Where is Jackie going?

Jackie is going camping. 


Great Danes are the best dogs in the world. Even though they're very large, they make good pets for people living in apartments because they don't move around much. You should get one!

What is the author's purpose?

To persuade


Danny was depressed about his dog running away, so dinner that night was a joyless time for the family.

What does joyless mean?

without joy. Sad.


Farmer Brown's pet pig kept running away. He was getting tired of chasing and catching him, so he decided to build a better fence. His pig never ran away again.

What was the cause?

The pig kept running away and Farmer Brown was tired of chasing it.


There are a variety of types of bird beaks. Each type of beak helps a bird obtain its food. A short, hooked beak is useful for birds of prey. A bird of prey is an animal that hunts its food. This type of beak is sharp and enables a bird to rip what it catches easily.

Whats the MAIN IDEA?

The way bird's have their beaks help them get food.


Becky just got a new job. She's excited that she gets to do math every day. She also gets to help people keep their money safe and shares ways to save money.

Where does Becky work?

Becky works at a bank.


Dear Mayor, 

Our city park should have more swings. Sometimes we have to wait a long time to use one or never get a turn at all. Please think about adding extra swings.

Whats the author's purpose?



John sat in the seat, put his seat belt on and pushed the pedal. He ran into the wall. He turned around and began to laugh as he went through the course and made it to the finish line.

Make an inference. Where is John?

A race track, gokarts, bumper cars, a fair. 
