Federal Law that states that you must not share a students grades, attendance, and discipline with any other person.
One big attribute to help a student with language is for the parents to
Read to them
This is the % of a school that is in poverty that will classify as a Title I school
Teachers that keep up with graded papers and class material
Help with simple calculations in math
Old McDonald is an example of this to help a student with language development
Nursery Rhymes
Celebrating Homecoming with events and school spirit is an example of having a positive ___
Teachers that are good with sudden change
Extended Time
504 Plan
Picture books
If the school is complaining about teachers/admin and other things happening at the school, it would resemble as an negative ____
Teachers that are good with giving students attention when needed
Has trouble seeing the board
Seat Proximity
A program designed to help schools that have a big portion of their school in poverty.
Title I
This is where a student does not know English they will be classified as this type of learner
This term is where everyone is equal in the classroom or any other event/activity
Teachers that give extensions on assignment but the student has been sick
Student that has horrible hand writing and teacher cannot read it
Typed assignments
Title IX
This term is where everyone has a right to be there but if things still hinder them with a disability it is called
Teachers that create great activities in the classroom for the student to enjoy
Student with ADHD may need this
Frequent Breaks