Identify numbers 13, 8 and 20 on your diagram
Tail, rump and toe
Identify numbers 2,3 and 29 on your diagram
Forehead, bridge of nose and heel
Identify numbers 35, 39 and 11 on your diagram
Main tail feathers, back and breast
Identify numbers 7, 3 and 1 on your diagram
Muzzle, neck and face
Identify numbers 6, 5 and 3 on your diagram
Nostrils, Knee and tail
Identify numbers 24, 16 and 7 on your diagram
Elbow, cannon and hip
Identify numbers 35, 37 and 28 on your diagram
Point of hip, loin and toe of hoof
Identify numbers 21, 19 and 4 on your diagram
Toes, toe nails and wattles
Identify numbers 2, 6 and 10 on your diagram
Nose, throat and hoof
Identify numbers 1, 8 and 16 on your diagram
Ear, ham and rump
Identify numbers 5, 22 and 21 on your diagram
Chine, belly and dewclaw
Identify numbers 34, 30 and 19 on your diagram
Tailhead(dock), hock and chestnut
Identify numbers 14, 26 and 23 on your diagram
Thigh, fluff and spurs
Identify numbers 16, 18 and 27 on your diagram
Milk veins, shoulder and withers
Identify numbers 7, 13 and 20 on your diagram
Neck, poll and stifle
Identify numbers 25, 33, 12 and 18 on your diagram
Barrel, brisket, flank and pastern
Identify numbers 1, 7, 25 and 27 on your diagram
Poll, throat latch, cannon and pastern
Identify numbers 28, 16, 41 and 34 on your diagram
Wing bay, hock, hackle and greater sickles
Identify numbers 35, 25, 38 and 33 on your diagram
Dewclaw, loin, flank and fetlock
Identify numbers 21, 22, 18 and 19 on your diagram
Hock, cannon, back and fore flank
Identify numbers 9, 14, 26, 4 and 23 on your diagram
Thurl, stifle, crops, withers and heart girth
Identify numbers 18, 39, 42, 16 and 3 on your diagram
Ergot, heart girth, withers, coronet and bridge of nose
Identify numbers 15, 7, 32, 31 and 17 on your diagram
Hock plumage, front neck plumage, lesser sickles, saddle feathers and shank
Identify numbers 40, 36, 37, 24 and 31 on your diagram
Crops, hook, thurl, heart girth and brisket
Identify numbers 15, 24, 17, 23 and 9 on your diagram
Rear-flank, jowls, loin, dewclaw and elbow