Where and when does “Their Eyes Were Watching God” take place?
Rural Florida, in the 20th Century
From any of the texts we read in class, name two figures of symbolism that represent social rejection?
Gregor’s Bedroom
Janie’s porch
Pear tree
The lock on Gregor’s door
In Medea, Jason betrays Medea by marrying this woman.
A: Who is Glauce (or the princess of Corinth)?
What is the sequence of events in a narrative?
Medea’s intelligence and mastery of this supernatural art give her power over others.
What is witchcraft (or sorcery)?
In “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, what is the town called where Janie goes with Joe.
What does the symbolism of the room Gregor is in reveal about his social role?
It represents Gregor’s isolations and exclusion
This object, gifted by Medea to Glauce, ultimately leads to her death.
What is a poisoned robe (or crown)
Name three Literary Elements
Alliteration, Simile, Metaphor, Plot, Onomatopoeia, Hyperbole, Personification, Point of View, Irony, Foreshadowing, Theme, Tone, Mood, Conflict, Setting, Juxtaposition, etc.
Janie gains independence after the death of this controlling husband.
Who is Joe Starks
Where and when does “Medea” take place?
Ancient Corinth
What influences the way characters react to social exclusion?
In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie’s second husband, Joe Starks, betrays her by suppressing this.
Her identity (appearance or voice [half a point])
What is the use of hints and clues that suggest future events in a narrative?
Janie’s grandma worries for Janie’s safety, why does she force Janie to marry Logan?
What is for protection
What kingdom does Medea originate from?
What does Medea’s speech relating to women reveal about what she yearns for in terms of experiencing social exclusion?
She’s desperate to get people on her side in opposition to loneliness.
Medea takes ultimate revenge on Jason by committing this horrific act.
What is killing their children? (½ for wife?)
What literary element was used the most in “Their Eyes Were Watching God”?
Vivid Imagery and Figurative Language
Medea secures protection after her revenge by making a deal with this Athenian king.
Who is King Aegeus
Where does The Metamorphosis take place?
An unnamed dreary European city
Name ways Logan was the start of Janie’s exclusion from her own identity.
He forced Janie to work on the farm
He thought money would be enough for her to stay
He excluded Janie from society and made her stay home.
He ultimately silenced her and threatened to kill her.
After Tea Cake contracts rabies, Janie is forced to take this action, which could be seen as both love and revenge.
Kills him with a pistol
What literary elements were the most common in Medea?
Dramatic Irony and Situational Irony
By the novel’s end, Janie finds empowerment by embracing a force, which symbolizes freedom.
What is the horizon?