When was the very first mass?
The last supper.
What happens in the Communion Rite?
We receive Jesus in the form of the Eucharist.
What is an Ambo?
The stand where they read the readings and the Gospel.
What is the Holy Light? What does it mean when it is lit?
The Holy Light is the candle next to the Altar. When the candle is lit it signifies that there is consecrated Hosts in the Tabernacle.
What is the first part of the mass?
The Introductory Rite.
What is the Tabernacle?
The Golden Box at the front of the church that holds the Concreted Hosts after the mass has ended.
When the priest hands you the Eucharist he says "The Body of Christ." How do you respond?
Amen (I Believe)
What happens in the Liturgy of the Word?
We listen to the word of God in the readings and the Gospel.
What is a Chalice?
The cup that holds the wine and the Blood of Christ.
What is the Sanctuary?
The raised area around the Tabernacle and Altar that represents Heaven.
When is the Concluding Rite?
The last part of the mass.
What is the Altar?