Future plans
Gift items
Going to
Money verbs
Past tense

You use the  ___________________ ____________ for future plans or arrangements

Points to the first team that says the answer

present continiuous


Name 3 gift items we saw in the course.

The student that has the turn will mimic their answers to their team

Any of: bouquet of flowers, gift card, jewelry, perfume, phone charger, purse,
sweatshirt, speakers

Write on the board the structure for going to

:) + am/is/are + going to + verb inf. + c


Scream 3 of the money verbs that we saw on class

No points if you don't speak loud

Any of: borrow, save, cost, sell, shop online, pay back, lend, spend, return, waste


How we know a regular verb is in past?

Bacause it has the -ed


What is the structure for future plans with present continiuous?

Everyone tell the structure at the same time

:D + am/is/are + verb with -ing + c






You lose 200 points :(


Use these to money verbs in a sentence

1. I/Shop online
2. He/Buy

1. Free correct answer
2. Free correct answer


Write the structure for questions in simple past on the board

With closed eyes

W/h + did + :) + verb in inf + c + ?


Did + :D + verb in inf + c + ?


Complete the sentences

 Mario/sleep/all the afternoon of tomorrow

Gloria and Steven/not buy/tickets for the next concert

Mario is sleeping all the afternoon of tomorrow  

Gloria and Steven are not (aren't buying) tickets for the next concert


A _____ is a good gift to use in any store

gift card


Each member of the team must give 1 example using going to. You win 300 points

If some of them doesn't say it quickly, you lose 300 points

Congrats on the 300 points :D


You lose 300 points ):


Give the definition of these money verbs and make sentences with them:

1. Borrow
2. Lend
3. Spend

1. Free answer
2. Free answer
3. Free answer


1 member of each team will stand up and compete with each other saying REGULAR verbs in past. The one who doesn't comit a mistake wins the points

Congrats for the 300 points :D


1. Is the structure for questions in present continiuous correct?

W/h + :D + am/is/are + verb inf + c ?

2. Make an example

1. W/h + am/is/are + :D +  + verb inf + c ?

2. Free correct answer


Complete (1 participant responds and other mimics)

1. I'm medium size, so my favorite gift is a _______

2. I like the smell of roses, thanks for the _______

1. Sweatshirt

2. Bouquet of flowers  


What's wrong with these sentences?

1. Is you going to the Carnaval tomorrow?
2. I'm not eating anything that is lactose
3. Olivia said: "Sara is coming with her sister". He said that

1. Are you...?
2. I am not... (The contraction for negative is incorrect)
3. Sara... . SHE told me that.



You lose 400 points :(


1 member of each team will stand up and compete with each other saying REGULAR verbs in past. The one who doesn't comit a mistake wins the points  

Congrats for the 400 points :D


Write 3 sentences on your notebook. 500 points to the first team that finishes first

1. Positive
2. Negative

3. Question

1. Free correct answer

2. Free correct answer

3. Free correct answer 


The teacher will give some time to each team ito draw a bouquet of flowers

The bouquet with more votes wins the points  

Congrats for the 500 points :D


Create a story using Checo as the protagonist. A 50-70 words story.

The most original story wins the points

Congrats for the 500 points :D

Everyone will play hot potatoe with Checo and in the moment the teacher says STOP that person must tell as many as money verbs as they can. We will do this these two more times.

The person who remembered more, wins the points

Congrats on the 500 points :D


1 member of each team will stand up and compete with each other saying SENTENCES with the verb that the teacher tells you in past. Wins the one who always have an example for the verb. Exampe:

Teacher: Eat
Student 1: I ate an apple yesterday
Teacher: Dance
Student 2: She danced with her mom for her birthday

And so on, so on  

Conrats for the  500 points :D
