What does the letter L stand for in LOPES?
What are climographs?
Graphs that measure climate or weather.
What is latitude?
Latitude is the distance between the south of the north of the equator.
what is geographic technoology?
is derrections of the maps we can see directions were we want to go.
What are ocean currents?
Continous movement of seawater in a specific location.
All things Climographs measure?
Weather, Climate, Temperature, Precipitation, and Months of Year.
When should we use latitude ?
To measure the distance of the south.
What does elevation measure?
The height above a given measure especially over sea level.
What different kinds of Climographs?
Tropical,Temperate, Polar, Continental
What is Proximity to water?
The geographical closeness to a body of water.
What are seasons and what does it mean?
The 4 divisions of the year including Summer, Winter,Spring, and Fall.