What is the accident prevention formula?
Be alert
Be prepared
Act in time
What vision do you need to pass the vision test?
Every vehicle needs to be insured with what type of insurance?
What sign is a circle?
What is the order of the colors on a traffic signal when hung vertically?
When are the roads most slippery?
The first few minutes of rainfall
After a few drinks your alcohol will begin to impair?
Reaction time
What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?
Nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, drowsiness, headache, weakness, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and confusion
What sign is a triangle?
What should you do after driving through a deep puddle?
Test your brakes
What can sober a person up?
What is the penalty for applying for a driver’s license illegally?
6 months jail / 6-24 months suspension
What can cause carbon monoxide poisoning?
Clogged tailpipe
Leaky exhaust
Car running in a closed garage
What should you do to avoid a spin?
Turn in the same direction the back of the car is skidding.
What is an habitual offender?
Someone who had their license suspended 3 times within 3 years
If you have a BAC of .05%, .10% and .15% your chances of being involved in a crash, increase by how much?
6 times
25 times
What are the exemptions to the hours of the rule for permit and probationary drivers under 21?
Proof of religion and employment purposes
What sign is diamond shape?
Except new vehicles, your car must be inspected at either a state inspection facility or a state licensed private inspection facility
Every 2 years
What is the implied consent law?
Agreeing to a breath test following an arrest for a suspected drinking and driving offense.
A____ oz can of beer is equal to ____oz glass of wine and ______ oz shot of whisky.
12 oz
5 oz
1.5 oz
How much longer does it take trucks to stop?
25% longer
What sign is an octagon?
Stop sign
What should you do when driving in reverse?
Turn your head and body to the right until you can see clearly through the back window without using mirrors
Which foot should be used to apply to the break and the gas pedal?