to not be able to say anything because someone else is speaking
to not get a word in edgeways/edgewise/sideways
mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision
(adj.) using or consisting of facts; sachlich, sachgerecht, faktisch, Tatsachen-
to sew
to praise someone to someone else in order to help them (for example, to get a job/an apartment/etc.)
to put in a good word for somebody
(adj.) supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment; befangen, voreingenommen
(especially of information, measurements, or predictions) correct in all details; exact
to look quickly at the pages of a magazine, book, etc.; durchblättern
to flick through
to admit that something you said before was wrong, especially when it makes you look foolish
to eat your words
to put two or more things or ideas together to make one new thing or idea, especially in a way that is not accurate or could be harmful; verschmelzen, zusammenführen
to conflate
querlesen, überfliegen
to skim
(adj.) never done or known before; noch nie dagewesen, beispiellos
if news or information spreads like this, people tell it to each other rather than it being printed in written form
by word of mouth
an indirect or secondary effect; Folgewirkung, Dominoeffekt
knock-on effect; e.g. If one or two trains run late, it has a knock-on effect on the entire rail service.
information discovered as the result of a study, experiment or investigation; Erkentnisse, Befunde
(of plans, ideas, etc.) to resonate, to agree with, to be similar to something. E.g. His opinions ____ ____ the mood of the nation; mit etw. übereinstimmen, harmonieren
to say what you mean clearly and directly, even if you upset people by doing this
to not mince (your) words
(phrasal verb) to use a feeling, fact, or idea in order to get what you want, often in an unfair way, to exploit; etw. ausnutzen, sich etw. zunutze machen
to play on/upon something; e.g. Advertisements often play upon people's fears.
to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad; mildern, abschwächen, entschärfen
to mitigate
(adj.) in such low spirits from loss of hope or courage that you cannot find the energy to act anymore; absolutely demotivated; mutlos, niedergeschlagen, kopfhängend