What are the two types of forces
Contact and non-contact
What is a simple machine?
devices with few or no moving parts
What is a complex machine?
It is made up of two or more simple machines.
What is an invention?
When someone makes something new.
What is a milestone?
Important events in history
What is force?
push or pull in a direction
How many types of simple machines are there?
Why are scissors complex machines?
The handles are levers, the screw is the fulcrum, the points of the blades are wedges.
What is a discovery?
When someone discovers and uses something that already exists.
Who invented the lightbulb?
Thomas Edison.
what are the 3 non-contact forces?
gravitational, magnetic, electrostatic
What are the simple machines?
incline plane, wedge, screw, lever, pulley, wheel and axle.
Why is a stapler a complex machine?
The handle is a lever and the staples are wedges.
When was the first computer software invented?
What did Karl Benz invent?
The first automobile.
What are the effects of forces
position, speed, direction, shape
What is a pulley?
A wheel with a rope.
why is a crane a complex machine?
the wheels are made up of wheel and axle.
Who invented windscreen wipers?
Mary Anderson
What was invented in 1926.
the first working television system.
What is deformation?
when an objects shape changes because of a force acting on it
What does a lever allow us to do?
Lift heavy objects.
Why is a bicycle a complex machine?
The handlebar is a lever. It also has a wheel and axle.
What did Johannes Gutenberg invent?
The printing press.
What did the Wright brothers invent?