This term refers to catching fish faster than they can reproduce.
The cod fishery collapse in Newfoundland occured in this country.
This method uses a long net that is dragged along the sea floor, often damaging habitats.
bottom trawling
This group of people were indigenous to Newfoundland at the time of the arrival of the European explorers, they have since disappeared.
The Beothuk
This term refers to an area if water that is not deep
Overfishing can disrupt this delicate balance in aquatic environment.
The cod fishery collapse led to this action by the Canadian government in 1992.
This method uses a large wall of netting that hangs vertically, designed to trap fish by their gills.
This person was a European explorer, who believed the fish stocks would last forever.
John Cabot
This term refers to a resource that can replenish itself naturally.
renewable resource
Overfishing can lead to this environmental issues, where one species dominates and others decline
biodiversity loss
This group was most affected by the moratorium
fishermen, their families, factory workers
This traditional fishing metod uses baited hooks attached to a long line
The century by which the Beothuk people no longer existed
19th century
This term describes the wasteful practice of throwing unwanted on undersized fish back into the sea, often dead.
This person was responsible for imposing the moratorium in Newfoundland
John Crosbie
This technique uses a rigid structure that is pulled along the seabed. It is used to catch oysters and clams
The group of people that were fishing near Atlantic Canada since the 10th century
This term refers to a large ship that catches, processes and freezes fish.
Factory trawler
overfishing contributes to this global issue affecting marine life, where human activities reduce the ocean's ability to recover
ocean depletion
The year in which the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) was extended to 200 miles.
purse seine
The area where the richest fishing grounds were found in all of Canada
The Grand Banks
This term refers to the original inhabitants of a region or country, often used to describe the native people Canada.