Where clay comes from
The ground
Artists use this to make pottery
A pottery wheel
This is how you enter the art room
Quietly walking and sitting in stool
Fired clay
Three colors that clay can come in
brown, tan, white, black, yellow, red
This is where we put wet things to dry
The drying rack
Ceramics with a function/use
This is where we fire clay
The kiln
True or false: You need my permission to sharpen your pencil or get something from the supply shelf, or wash your hands
Technique used to attach pieces of clay
Slip and score
True or false: Clay is the same thing as dirt/mud
When I am talking you are
quietly listening, raising your hand for questions
Three handbuilding techniques
Slab, coil, pinch pot
You can use this to make pottery food safe
When the timer rings you
Stop, look, listen to directions for clean up