How many sections does the bible have?
what was created on the first 3 days of creation?
day 1 - time, day and night, light and darkness
day 2 - space, sky and sea
day 3 - life, land and vegetation
Where was Abram and his family from and what did they most likely do for work?
The were from Ur, and were most likely Caravan Traders
Who was Moses?
The prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt.
Why did God send the Flood?
Because people had become too wicked, everything their hearts conceived was evil, he wanted to cleanse the earth of sin.
How many books are in the Bible?
what was created on the last 4 days of creation?
day 4 - rulers of time, sun and moon
day 5 - rulers of space, birds and fish
day 6 - rulers of life, humans and animals
day 7 - the sabbath covenant, day of rest
How old was Abram when his journey began in Genesis?
He was 75 when he had his first calling from God.
How was Moses raised?
Moses is nursed by his own mother, and later becomes the son of the Pharaoh’s daughter
How long did the rains last and how long did the earth stay flooded for?
The rains lasted for 40 days and 40 nights, the earth stayed flooded for 150 days
What are the sections of the Old Testament?
Pentateuch, Historical, Wisdom, and Prophetic
How were Adam and Eve tempted?
They got tempted by a serpent who was satan, and he tricked them into eating the fruit off of a tree that God told Adam and Eve to not eat from.
True/False? Abraham is the First patriarch of the Jewish faith.
Where does Moses flee after killing the Egyptian?
What did Noah send from the ark to see if the floodwaters receded?
First a raven, then a dove, then a dove again.
Who are the two authors of the Bible?
God and human authors who were inspired to write it.
What was Adam and Eve’s punishments for disobeying God?
Childbirth will be painful
Sin will damage relationships
Work will be a toil instead of joy and will not always be fruitful
Life will end in suffering as physical death is inevitable
Who was Abrahams son with Sarah?
What are the first five plagues?
Water turns to blood
The Frogs
The Gnats
The Flies
The Pestilence (livestock)
What did Noah take with him on the ark?
He took seven pairs of every clean animal, one pair of every unclean animal, and seven pairs of every bird.
What is the Pentateuch?
The Pentateuch is the five first books of the Bible that set the stage for what happens next, describing the development of the relationship of God and man.
What blessing did man receive from God?
God blessed man to be fertile and multiply, and to have more power over the animals and plants and creatures of the earth.
Where was Abram called to go?
The Land of Canaan.
Second five plagues?
Death of the firstborn
What was the covenant between God and Noah, and what was the sign of the covenant?
The covenant was that God promised not to send another flood to destroy the earth and the sign of the covenant was a rainbow.