What formatting do you use for book titles? (Typing)
Ex: Harry Potter
Ex Harry Potter
Answers may vary
Correct this sentence: "She go to the store yesterday."
She went to the store yesterday.
What does the root "mem" mean?
To remember or recall
What is a prosopector?
A person who mines and searches for mineral deposits.
Give an example of a word that ends with -tion
Answers may vary
He will play soccer tomorrow.
The sentence is correct
"The teacher asked us to __ our notes before the test."
What does emblematic mean?
something symbolic.
How should you write the title of a song?
Ex: Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
How do you write the verb or educate?
Add tion or sion?
Correct the sentence: They seen the movie last week
They saw the movie last week.
Fill in the blank: "The __ of the event helped everyone remember the occasion."
Who is a anthropologist?
Someone who studies the orgin of people and their cultures. Scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs, and traditions.
How do you write the title of a chapter in a book: The Beginning of the Adventure
"The Beginning of the Adventure"
How would you write the verb or expand
What is the correct form: "I was eating breakfast when the phone ring."
I was eating breakfast when the phone rang.
What is a memento?
an object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event.
What does adhere mean?
To stick to
or to belieive in or follow the practices of
How do you type the art piece, Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa
What is the rule for adding tion to the end of a word
to add tion to the end of the word
The word is a complete word on its own, or it ends with "t"
Adjust this sentence: "She have finished her homework."
She has finished her homework.
What is a memior
tells a factual story about a person's life, based on the author's memories.
What does facilitated mean?
make (an action or process) easy or easier.