The names of the 4 main characters in Lord of the Flies.
What is Ralph, Jack, Simon, and Piggy.
Definition of Theme.
What is "the message."
Define Allegory.
Define pallid.
What is "an unusually pale complexion, sickly pale."
Define inference.
What is "an educated guess based off context clues."
The three themes we've studied in LOTF.
What is Civilized v. Savage, Fear, Human Nature/Herd Behavior?
Definition of Motif.
What is a repeating pattern of symbols, images, phrases, colors, or sounds in a particular story under a particular theme?
Describe what "detail" means when you see it on a test.
What is a details means text evidence which supports a main idea or claim?
Define Hiatus.
What is "a break or gap in time."
The historical context for LOTF.
What is World War II?
Author of Lord of the Flies.
What is William Golding?
Definition of Simile.
What is a comparison between two unlike things using "like" or "as."
Define what POV means on an English test.
What is-point of view on an English test means the character's understanding of a situation.
Define Enmity.
What is "a deep-seated, often mutual hatred."
Author of LOTF.
What is William Golding?
The character who says this quote.
"We ought to have more rules. Where the conch is, that’s a meeting."
What is Ralph?
The purpose of imagery is to do this...
What is let the reader experience the world of the characters.
Effects others
Define Mirage.
What is "an illusion of water on hot sand or pavement."
Define imagery.
What is when an author uses the senses to create a lasting picture/image in the mind of the reader?
Machiavellian traits in Jack's character.
What are:
Provides benefits.
Rules with fear.
Controls others fear.
CER stands for...
What is Claim, Evidence, Reasoning?
Define Direct Characterization.
What is when the author describes the character directly with specific details?
Define Suffusion.
What is "a sudden burst of light, liquid, or color."
Machiavelli says a ruler/leader needs these traits to maintain power.
Provide Benefits
Offer Entertainment
Control Fear
Be Feared
Crush Resistance
Have an army