This is the purpose of the Law.
What is... point to our need for a savior? (I'll also accept "point to my need for Jesus," or "point to my need for saving."
This word means "set apart."
What is "holy?"
This is the first of the 10 Commandments
What is, "you shall have no other gods before me?"
Abraham's name before it was Abraham
What is... "Abram?"
This theory of creation describes how God created the world through the process of evolution.
What is "Theistic Evolution?"
Gospel literally means __________.
What is good news?
Why did God make the Law?
To set His people apart (make them holy)
To protect them (help them flourish, keep them safe, function well together)
To show them they need a savior. (the impossible standard of the law shows us we CAN'T but Christ DID)
This is where God gave Moses the 10 commandments
Where is... Mt. Sinai?
Jacob's name was changed to what?
What was the root of Adam and Eve's sin in the garden?
Lack of trust in God.
Another good answer - They wanted to be God... control their own fate.
Jesus was _____ so only He could fulfill the Law.
What is perfect?
This word means, "made right."
What is "righteous?"
This is the 5th Commandment
What is... "Honor your father and your mother?"
This was the Covenant God made to Abraham
What is... Descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky
(Land, protection, and blessings)
It rained ________ on the earth and the waters of the flood remained ______ before lowering in the events of the flood.
40 days 40 nights
150 days
This is a definition of "lens of the gospel."
teacher will decide if answer is adequate.
This is what the first 5 books of the Bible are called
What is the Pentateuch?
I'll also accept Torah
This is the 3rd commandment
What is... "You shall not take the Lord's name in vain?"
The 10 plagues represented this from God
God stands alone, is sovereign, and is the one true God. It also represents His justice to evil.
This answer may vary, teacher discretion is advised.
How does the story of Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac point us to the gospel?
Teacher Discretion
As believers we see the Passover in a whole new lens because...
It points us to the lamb (Jesus) that was slain on our behalf and how God's punishment passed over us and onto Christ. (Romans 8:1)
this would be an example of a metaphor to describe the Law
Teacher will decide if answer works.
The 10 commandments are a rough summary of how many laws given to the people of Israel?
What is 613
This brother took the place of Benjamin when confronted by Joseph.
Bonus question (100pts): This act of taking his brother's place points us to what?
Who is Judah?
It ultimately points us to Jesus taking our place and punishment.
This was the promise God made to the serpent in The Garden (Genesis 3)