True or False:
Antihistamines block histamine from being released
They block histamine from binding to receptor sites that play a role in the inflammatory process
What are the 5 steps of the Nursing process?
Assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, Evaluation ADPIE
what the body does to the drug- processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism/biotransformation, and excretion
What is an example of a medication that is dosed in units?
45g is how many mg?
Benadryl belongs to which group class of allergy medications?
first generation antihistamines
What is a big side effect of benadryl?
What type of data can be physically observed?
When a drug attaches to a receptor site, but does not activate or unlock it, is an example of what?
An Antagonist
What is an example?
Toxic Dose
3tsp is how many Tbs
True or false:
Leukotriene inhibitors will not stop an acute asthma attack
Singulair is an example
Who can write a drug order?
MDs, NP, CRNAs, nurse midwives, (PAs per state practice act)
Which form of PO medication will absorb faster?
They don't need to be dissolved first
Drugs that are given PO, NG, or Rectal routes are also known as what types of drugs
Enteral drugs
What are some disadvantages of PO drugs?
300mg is how many grams?
What is a side effect of corticosteroids if absorbed systemically?
weakend immune system
What is an example of a nasal corticosteroid?
What part of this drug order is missing:
Order: 50mg benadryl, Q8 hours, PRN for itching
The time it takes for 50% of a drug to leave the body is known as what?
Drug half life
What types of PO drugs can you not give through an NG or PEG tube
Enteric coated, those that cannot be crushed, long-acting/sustained released drugs
What can you do if these are ordered for your patient with a NG or PEG?
When should an asthma reliever be used?
Think Rescue! During an acute asthma attack
What are examples of high alert drugs?
Where in the body are drugs mostly metabolized?
What are examples of parenteral drugs?
IV, IM, Sub Q
What is a big benefit of parenteral drugs?