What is your full name?
My full name is... / I am...
Write in letters this numbers 12-20-
What day comes before friday?
What is the greeting you use to greet in the afternoon?
Good afternoon
Spell butterfly
How old are you?
I am ( ) years old
Write in letters this numbers 45-78-99
Forty-five, seventy-eight, ninety-nine
What is the day after tomorrow? today it is monday
What is the expression you say when you are introduced to a new person?
Nice to meet you
Spell environment
Where are you from?
I am from (city or country)
Write in letters this numbers 130-345-587
One hundred thirty, three hundred forty five, Five hundred eighty seven
What was the day before yesterday? Today it is Monday
The expression you say when you are going to sleep
Good night
Spell your name
When is your birthday?
It is on (month, day)
Write these numbers two hundred thirteen, six hundred twenty seven, nine hundred sixty three
213, 627, 963
What month comes after september
The greeting you can use at any time of the day
Hello, Hi
Spell your mother's name
Who do you live with?
I live with...
Write these numbers one thousand four hundred eighty, five thousand seven hundred fifty two
1.480, 5.752
What month comes after July?
The expression you use when you are grateful for something
Thank you, thanks a lot
Spell your school's name