Country that mainly focuses on increasing exports to make more money & decreasing imports to spend less money to make a country prosper.
Exploiting their full or partial control over a colony economically.
A policy of extending power through negotiations or military force
The act of making negotiations.
Act of gaining possession over something
Little Timy is looking for a country that uses Mercantilism. He is going to fail the class if you don't give him an example.
(Listing 1 will get you full credit, Listing 2 will get you +100 points)
France, UK, Spain
France colonized this country that is right next to Nigeria
Niger (Pronounced Nee-gere)
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Power/Right of governing & controlling
The government or other central authority makes decisions on how resources will be used
Changes can occur relatively easy
There is little individual freedom
There is no competition
Not Korea is a good example for this economy
Command Economies
Resources are owned and controlled by individuals
Economic Decisions are made by individuals competing to earn profits
Individual freedom is considered very important
Economic decisions are made by the basic principles of supply and demand
Japan is a very good example of a market economy
Market Economies
Why do people want to use or exploit a colony?
For their resources.
List an African country colonized by Britain
(Listing 1 will get you full credit, Listing 2 will get you +100 points)
Kenya, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe.
Country That Colonized the most African countries.
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Government uses parts of the command economy and market economy
Government guides and regulates production of goods and services offered.
Individuals own means of production
Most effective economy for providing goods and services.
The U.S., Canada, India and other western economies are good examples of this economy.
Mixed Economies
What colony did Belgium exploit for its natural resources?
Democratic Republic of The Congo (D.R.C)
DBQ 16: Imperialism Causes:
According to Senator Beveridge, why should America be imperialistic?
They produce more than they can consume.
DBQ 16: Imperialism Causes:
What does Cecil Rhodes believe is the cause of imperialism?
More territory mans more of the Anglo-Saxon Race.
DBQ 16: Imperialism Causes:
How does president McKinley explain the U.S. takeover of the Philippines?
To Educate and Christianize them.