Use the prefix "re" to determine the meaning of the word "retry"
To try again
The protesters were placated by the administration's decision and went home. What does "placate" mean?
To be calmed.
What does the word "cease" mean?
Example sentence:
They were asked to cease all military activity in the area.
To put an end or stop to something.
"It is the East, and Juliet is the sun."
Metaphor or simile?
Use the prefix "un" to determine the meaning of the word "unlawful"
Not lawful.
Not able to be satisfied
What does it mean to inquire?
Example sentence:
"She inquired about the businesses opening hours."
"By love, who first did prompt me to inquire"
To ask about
"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep."
Metaphor or simile?
Use the prefix "uni" to determine the meaning of the word "unilingual"
To speak one language
What does the word "placid" mean?
Hint: Think of the lake.
calm, undisturbed.
What does the word "haste" mean?
Example sentence:
Please do not act with such haste! Consider the dangers of the situation first.
Great speed, especially when time is short.
"Airtight cage of poverty"
Metaphor or simile?
Use the prefix "trans" to determine the meaning of the word: transcribe
He transcribed the lyrics of his favorite song in his journal.
to write
Why would someone receive a placebo? What is it?
A pill or procedure that has no medical effect, given to a person who is told that it is medicine.
What does the word "infinite" mean?
"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."
Never-ending, without limits.
"Death is my son-in-law. Death is my heir."
Personification or Alliteration?
What does the prefix "trans-" mean?
Example Sentence:
She took a transatlantic flight to Germany for winter break.
to go across, beyond.
What does the word "complacent" mean?
She was so complacent during the second semester that she now has a 1.5 GPA and was kicked off the soccer team.
to be so self-satisfied that you do not put forth effort.
What does "jests" mean?
Example Sentence:
"He jests at scars that never felt a wound"
"He scowled, then, thinking back on their jests and jokes with each other."
Makes fun of, jokes.
"From forth the fatal loins of these two foes..."
Personification or alliteration?