Why was Rosa arrested?
She would not give up her seat.
Short hand on the 4, long hand on the 12. What time is it?
Give me a word that rhymes with shop.
Ex: hop, cop, mop, top....
What is the adjective?
The hot sun is shining outside.
What does ROAR stand for
What did people decide to do with the buses after Rosa got arrested?
Boycott (stop riding the bus)
How much are 2 quarters worth?
50 cents
Give me a word that rhymes with pack
ex: stack, tac, slack...
What are the adjectives in this sentence
My fluffy cat likes to lay on our cozy couch with me.
Fluffy, cozy
What are the morning procedures when you come in?
Unpack, put your folder in your mailbox, morning work, reflex, AR
What is segregation?
Separating people or things.
Short hand in between the 7 and 8 and the long hand on the 3, what time is it?
What is the rhyme scheme
I am hot
My dog is not
We are funny
I want a bunny
What is the contraction for will not
Tell me all 5 rules without looking at them
See bulletin board for answers
Who did Rosa take her case to that changed the laws? (hint:the highest court in America)
The Supreme Court
How much is 1 quarter, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies worth?
53 cents
Rhyme Scheme
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on her tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
along came a spider
who sat down beside her
and frightened Miss Muffet away
What is the difference between your and you're
your means it belongs to you
you're is the contraction for you are
How many points get taken off of your citizenship grade when you get a mark?
What state was Rosa born in?
What time is it if it is a quarter til 6 and you are getting ready for school?
5:45 a.m
Come up with a poem and tell me the rhyme scheme
Write it on the board!
Where do the commas in a series go?
I am getting bananas apples and berries at the store.
I am getting bananas, apples, and berries at the store.
How can you go above and beyond to make our class better?
Answers may vary.