What is a creation myth?
A story explaining where something came from
What treaty is Regina located on?
Treaty 4
Who had to go to the residential schools?
Indigenous children
What is another word for a winter jacket?
What did Eagle Man create when he dropped people into the ocean?
Pacific Islands
Whose laws were used to make the treaties?
Indigenous and European
What was taken away from Phyllis Webstad when she went to a residential school?
Her orange shirt
What is a toboggan used for?
Like a sled, it is used for travelling on the snow and down hills
Which waterfall was created in the Algonquin creation myth?
Niagara Falls
What are three things the government promised to give the Indigenous people?
How many children attended residential schools?
About 150,000
What is a house made of ice used by the Inuit people called?
In the story of Weesakayjack, which animal found a piece of dirt?
How many numbered treaties are there?
When did Canada's last residential school close?
What do we call a slipper made from animal skin that is decorated with beads?