This is the reason that war started
What is Slavery
Between 1870 to 1916 how much did the railroad grow a day
11 miles
what two places did immigrants go to enter the United States
New York and California
in what year did half of America live in the Cities
what was the last name of the bridge builder
This what kind of war the Civil War is
What is a total war
the practice of combining different companies into one is ________
badly built cramped apartments
what happen to farms that caused farmers to need less workers
advancements in technology
How did Roebling die
This is the name of the battleships that were armored during the Civil War
What is the Ironclads
what did Alexander Graham invent
the telephone
in 1880 were most immigrants from
Southern and Eastern Europe
What was the class that live comfortable lives, but not rich lives
middle class
what is a caisson
a large watertight chamber, open at the bottom, from which the water is kept out by air pressure and in which construction work may be carried out under water.
This was issued in 1863 and marked the start of Reconstruction
What is the Emancipation Proclamation
name the four inventors that improved the railroads
George Westinghouse, Eli H. Janney, Gustavus, George Pullman
How many Jews came to America
3.5 million
Name three new methods of transportation
cable-car, trolley, subway
Who made sure the bridge was completed
This is what Andrew Johnson was famous for during the Civil War
What is stated a US Senator
who was the greatest railroad baron
Cornelius Vanderbilt
newspaper, clubs, stores, and theaters
Who were the biggest criminals
homeless kids and orphans
who was the first person to cross the bridge
Frank Farrington