"Cognitive is a _______ theory"
Give an exmaple of a positive and a negative consequences
Positive: A reward
Negative: A time-out
"Students are _____ information"
What are the two main models of teaching?
Traditional (teacher-centered)
Construtivist (Students-centered)
Give an example of cognitivism in the classroom
A memory game, an oral exam, use of stories and pictures, etc.
How are behaviors shaped?
Rewards the desired behavoirs, punishes the undesired behaviors
"Learning is an _____ _____"
Active process
Name the three traditional teaching methods
Lecture/presentation, Direct instruction, Concept teaching
What does Krisitin want to teach?
Family and consumer sciencd
When did this theory emerge?
"A ____ is used to create a response"
What are you trying to create for your students?
An environment for students to develop strategies for acquiring and assessing new information
Name the three constructivist teaching methods
Cooperative learning, problem-based learning, Classroom discussion
Where is Anna from?
Idaho Falls
What are the cognitive theorists are interested in?
How people think, how they're able to remember things, and what type of things they know
Describe this authetic learning section
Characterized by a focus on a conspequnces (reinforcent or punihment) control model
Desribe Constructivism
Learners construct knowledge rather than just passivley take in information
Describe problem-based learning
Develop skills of independence, Adult role behaviors, Problem-solving skills
What did Josh bring to show and tell?
Picture when he was little
Who are the most influential cognitive theorists?
Vygotsky, Piaget, Bruner
Name the three main contributors to this learning section
Pavlov, Thorndike, B.F. Skinner
Dewwy, Vygotsky, and Bruner
Create a teaching senario using "concept teaching"
Introduction, Concept Definition and Clarification, Concept Teaching Using Examples, Active Engagement, Concept Application and Reflection, Assessment and Reinforcement
What is Kalebs favorite football team?
Devner Broncos