The prefix that means incorrectly
What is the prefix mis
If you place something incorrectly you
What is misplace
The suffix ful mean
What is full of
The suffix less mean
What is without
The two sides of the Revolutionary War were
What is British and Colonists
The word preregistration means
What is before registration
The word recalculate means
What is to calculate again
The word that we do not need to drop the "e" when we add the suffix able is
What is knowledgeable or loveable
The word acceptable means
What is able to accept
The troops that King George sent are called
What is Redcoats
If you are not familiar to something, you are
What is unfamiliar
If King George and George Washington do not agree they
What is disagree
The word fearless means
What is without fear
If you are full of cheer, you are
What is cheerful
He was the leader of the Sons of Liberty in Boston
Who is Samuel Adams
The word prehistoric means
What is before history
If you have to write your paper again, you have to
What is rewrite
If something is able to break it is
What is breakable
If you do something without care, you are being
What is careless
This was the law that required colonists to allow British soldiers into their homes to eat and sleep
What is the Quartering Act
The two prefixes that mean not are
What is prefixes un and dis
The word that means incorrectly interpret
What is misinterpret
The root or base word in the word unbelievable
What is believe
Come up with a sentence that has a word with the suffix ful
What is The flowers are colorful and beautiful.
Name two characters in the Colonial Voices book, and what side they were on
Ethan- Patriot, Shoemaker- Patriot,
Clock-maker -Patriot, Baker- Patriot,
Milliner- Loyalist, Barber- Loyalist
Basket trader and Blacksmith's slave- in between